Welcome to Thompson & Morgan’s gardening blog

Featured Gardener: Tom Strowlger

Featured Gardener: Tom Strowlger

A popular Instagram gardener, Tom Strowlger, aka @garden_with_tom, started posting videos during lockdown and has never looked back. This inspirational garden writer captures the wonder of each plant and flower in his garden, unveiling the magic of nature with friendly ease. Find out what Tom has planned for the year ahead…

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How to grow spinach

How to grow spinach

Spinach seeds are one of the quickest and easiest crops to grow, and a great way to fill gaps between taller, or slower-growing vegetables. Here’s how to grow spinach, courtesy of our horticultural team…

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How to use our hedging calculator

How to use our hedging calculator

Our hedging calculator takes all the guesswork out of ordering hedging plants. Simply choose the variety you want, add the length you need, and decide how thick you want your hedge to be. Our helpful tool instantly calculates the number of plants to order, and applies...

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The T&M blog has a wealth of knowledgeable contributors. Find out more about them on our "Meet the experts" page.

Award-Winning Plants & Seeds

Create a show stopping display in your garden with our award-winning plants and seeds.


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