Some things in the garden are now past their best and will need composting or cutting back if I don’t need the seed heads.
I normally have the greenhouses empty by now, but this year the tomatoes are still going strong, so leaving them a little longer.

The patio
The other greenhouse is full of new plants growing on and cuttings which I have rooted for friends, even with plants I can’t normally get to root, so it pays to keep trying.

Greenhouse full of rooted cuttings
The garden is still looking nice with late flowering annuals and perennials, I have just cut these (photo number 4) and can’t believe what is still in flower for October. The roses, over 50 of them, are still flowering and so are the fuchsias.

Glorious fuchsias
The red and orange pyracanthas are laden with berries making a lovely screen at the back of the garden.
The local school children have been using the garden for reading, drawing and playing and are coming back again if the weather stays fine. Some of the comments could only come from children, such as “is the grass real?” and “can I move in?” So hopefully another generation of gardeners in the making.

Cut flowers to brighten up the house
I’ve just found a photo taken in October 2006 and thought you might like to see it, this is what we started with. All good fun.

The garden in 2006

Joy Gough joined Thompson & Morgan’s trials team in 2011 and tests plants and seeds in her own garden in Wiltshire. Learn more about Joy’s gardening journey on the Thompson & Morgan blog.