Katsura tree and clematis repens – an update

Leaves turning from green to pink
Two katsura trees 20″ tall arrived last August. I potted them up in 50% ericaceous and 50% multi-purpose compost and kept them in the shade in the greenhouse to give the roots a chance to establish.
I re-potted them at the beginning of March this year into large terracotta pots when the new foliage was green. It’s now turning to dark pink.

Getting taller and prettier every day
These trees are getting taller and prettier – they’re now 4′ tall with heart-shaped leaves. I am keeping them in pots at the moment, so that I can move them around the garden to anywhere there is a space to fill.
There have been no pests, diseases or shrivelled leaves. The plants like semi shade or full sun.

Clematis repens
Clematis repens, the Twinkle Bell clematis
I have grown clematis in pots before, but these are now my favourites.
When they arrived I potted them into larger pots in multipurpose compost and vermiculite, 3″ deeper to stop clematis wilt. Once they were growing well I potted them into equal parts leaf mould, compost and vermiculite.
These plants don’t have any tendrils, so I have tied them into a frame and the flowers hang down like raindrops.
They are green in bud and open into 1″ bright yellow bell-shaped flowers. Even though they look delicate, the petals are very thick and waxy and totally different to the usual clematis.
Next year I am going to try them in hanging baskets and let the flowers just hang over the edges, I can’t wait.

Joy Gough joined Thompson & Morgan’s trials team in 2011 and tests plants and seeds in her own garden in Wiltshire. Learn more about Joy’s gardening journey on the Thompson & Morgan blog.