A product that can boost your flower power by up to 400 per cent! We can understand why you would question this, but this product really does work.  Gardeners using incredibloom™ plant feed are already seeing the amazing results, but with the season now in full swing you can use incredibloom™ for a top up for continued success in beds, pots and baskets right through to autumn.


For pots, baskets and containers:

1) Make a number of holes in the compost with a pencil or dibber.

2) Scatter the granules in and over the holes at 7.5g (1 scoop) per 5litres of compost, avoiding contact with foliage. Water in well.

For beds and borders:

Sprinkle on the soil surface at a rate of 60g (8 scoops) per m². Lightly work into the soil with a rake or fork. Water in.

Having noted a staggering 3,321 blooms from just one basket fed with this unique fertiliser (twice as many as a basket fed with the brand leader) we are so confident, that if you don’t notice ‘blooming incredible’ results yourself, you’ll get your money back!

The controlled slow-release feed utilises Double Nitrogen Technology to promote vigorous green growth and a bumper display of flowers that will put your neighbour’s pots and baskets to shame.

Nitrogen is released in two phases in perfect sync with plant needs, avoiding wastage, which is often a problem with other fertilisers. Part of the nitrogen is stabilised to gradually break down over the first eight weeks to kick-start plants into piling on growth. The second part is released through polymer coated granules that deliver less or more nutrients depending on temperature and moisture levels, again matching plant needs for optimum flowering.

Paul Hansord said: “This is an exciting development in the world of garden feeds. A lifetime in the industry and I never fully appreciated the benefits of fertiliser until I saw the results of our trials. It really is a false economy not to use incredibloom ™ in your floral garden displays.”

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