Welcome to Thompson & Morgan’s gardening blog

The rough guide to beans by Real Men Sow

The rough guide to beans by Real Men Sow

To help you produce an abundance of beans this year, we turned to an expert grower for practical advice. Jono, the original founder of the ever-popular gardening blog, Real Men Sow, is a man whose own hard-won experience has taught him how to get the best from his...

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Growing raspberries with children

Growing raspberries with children

Children love growing things they can pick and eat straight from the plant, and soft fruits are particular favourites. Raspberry ‘Ruby Beauty’ is a dwarf variety that grows to about 3ft tall, and is perfectly happy in the ground, in a container, or even on a sunny balcony.

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Rise of the bedding plants

Rise of the bedding plants

Bedding plants became incredibly popular in the Victorian era, when specialist plant hunters were dispatched to find new and unique specimens to add colour and interest to gardens.

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Award-Winning Plants & Seeds

Create a show stopping display in your garden with our award-winning plants and seeds.


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