Welcome to Thompson & Morgan’s gardening blog

Garden redesign – Geoff Stonebanks at Driftwood

Garden redesign – Geoff Stonebanks at Driftwood

Catch up with one of our favourite bloggers, Geoff Stonebanks, creator and keeper of the award-winning Driftwood garden. Here he gives us an exclusive insight to the creation of his brand new Mediterranean themed area, and shares a snapshot of his time capsule for the...

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Top 10 Easiest Houseplants

Top 10 Easiest Houseplants

Would you love to have some lush greenery in your home but don’t feel that you have the expertise? Let’s face it – we have all killed a houseplant – or two or three….perhaps more! But don’t let that put you off. There’s a houseplant out there for every type of...

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How to store vegetables

How to store vegetables

If you’ve grown a wonderful harvest of fresh fruit and vegetables but don’t know how to store it correctly, you’ve come to the right place. Learning how to prepare and store your fresh produce stops good food from going to waste and helps you to enjoy eating it for a...

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Pruning and planting soft fruit

Pruning and planting soft fruit

Never grown fruit plants before? Not sure what to do with your rapidly growing berry bush? We asked experienced gardener Nic Wilson how she grows such bumper crops. Her generously shared tips make growing some of the most expensive shop-bought produce as easy as pie....

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Meet the experts

The T&M blog has a wealth of knowledgeable contributors. Find out more about them on our "Meet the experts" page.

Award-Winning Plants & Seeds

Create a show stopping display in your garden with our award-winning plants and seeds.


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