Welcome to Thompson & Morgan’s gardening blog

How To Live Happily Ever After With Your Indoor Plants

How To Live Happily Ever After With Your Indoor Plants

Gone are the days when plants were restricted to balconies or gardens. In modern decor, they are being given a place in the drawing-room, the kitchen, and even the bedroom. Apart from adding to the beauty of your indoor spaces, plants also purify the air and make the...

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How to Overwinter Geraniums

How to Overwinter Geraniums

If you want to know how to overwinter your favourite tender geraniums (more correctly called pelargoniums) to enjoy the following year, we’ve got you covered.

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Drought tolerant plants

Drought tolerant plants

There are lots of good reasons to grow drought tolerant plants. During hot summers the need for frequent watering is time consuming. Not to mention costly to the environment and your pocket too, should rainfall in your area fail to keep up with demand. We asked The...

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Plot to plate recipes for National Vegetarian Week

Plot to plate recipes for National Vegetarian Week

At Thompson & Morgan, we’re passionate about growing our own food. But sowing, growing and nurturing delicious produce is only half of the story. Harvesting, preparing and eating these vitamin-packed wonder foods is just as important, right? This year, 15 - 21st...

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Living Green: Growing Your Own Vegetables

Living Green: Growing Your Own Vegetables

We all know how tasty fresh vegetables are in meals and salads. However, no matter how well you seem to time your visits to the grocery store, finding the freshest of produce is mostly by sheer luck. Growing your own vegetables gives you a break from grocery store...

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Why is Sustainable Gardening so Important These Days?

Why is Sustainable Gardening so Important These Days?

In essence, sustainable gardening is not a new term, but the practice has started gaining traction recently. What gardening sustainably means, what does the process involve, and what makes it so important today? What is Sustainable Gardening? It is vital to make one...

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Award-Winning Plants & Seeds

Create a show stopping display in your garden with our award-winning plants and seeds.


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