One of the new begonias I am going to try this season is Daffadowndilly. I have five corms which are just starting to shoot and will put them into a tray to develop. My first plants – Fairy Blue Fuchsia – have arrived and are growing well in the greenhouse, hopefully it won`t be long before I can plant them out into containers and patiently wait for the beautiful blue fuchsia to appear.
At the moment I have filled one greenhouse with plants and Alan has now erected the hexagonal one to take the more advanced plants. This is one of those greenhouses that have a plastic cover and they like the extra light they get from all round, although I do put the green sunshade netting over the top when it starts to get hot.
On the front decking I have my Andre Rieu pink/purple tulips which are so straight and tall. The daffodils are extremely tall this year, unfortunately a very high wind knocked them flat and broke the stems. I picked about a dozen broken ones and put them in a vase inside and they looked really spring like. I must remember next time I buy any to check the height before buying.
My eldest son and his wife bought me a `Welcome` hanging basket stand for Mothers` Day and I filled it with polyanthus and daffodils which looked lovely by the front door and very welcoming. The Raspberry Ruby Falls which I have in a hanging basket was kept in the front porch until it started to grow and then outside just by the kitchen window. It is growing very well and is now starting to grow from the bottom making it look a lot fuller. I do cover it every evening, although I don`t think it is absolutely necessary but a couple of nights we had a frost – so better safe than sorry!
Last year my `Irristible` strawberries which originally were trial plants in 2012 and were in their fourth year produced a lot of runners – as well as plenty of delicious strawberries. I decided not to just cut them off as I have done in other years but to plant them up in another trough and over winter they have grown very well. At the present time there have been flowers on the plants and now strawberries are forming. This year I have ordered `Just Add Cream` strawberries so it will be interesting to taste the difference.
I bought Rhododendron Tinkerbird from Thompson & Morgan, when I received it it was full of very tight buds which are now turning into beautiful flowers, very pale pink/white. I can hardly believe that it is so small and yet produced these gorgeous flowers. I also purchased two pink Annabelle Hydrangeas which were dormant when I received them. I potted both up and kept them in my sunny porch for a couple of weeks until there were signs of growth. They are now around 12” high and have given one to my Daughter in Law who loves gardening.
Alan has been busy painting the fencing and also the small edging alongside the path in the back and front garden which is blue. Everywhere looks very fresh now and ready for the plants to flower. He has also helped me generally tidy everything as with three fractures in my spine I am unable to lift anything very heavy. We transplanted four roses which were in containers to the raised part of the garden alongside the fence. Thankfully because they didn`t get disturbed roots they have taken to their new home very well and are looking healthy. We also cleared out a garden box so we could move it and discovered a metal arch in its box still. Goodness knows how long it has been there but I do remember it was buy one get one free. We put it up across a corner and put my Hydrangea Saori under it with a Clematis each side that is now growing round the arch.
The fountain I bought with vouchers I won in a well known daily newspaper gardening competition, is working well, It is lovely to see the sun light catching the water, there is something satisfying about listening to water. Mr. Roadrunner has been put back next to the fountain and alongside a small Acer tree. I have two other Acers which are in full leaf and look wonderful in the sun.
Mandie – you asked if anyone had any of their trial plants from last year –I don`t have the Antirrhinum like you but I do have one of the Icing Sugar fuchsias which is growing well at the moment. I also bought some this year so it will be interesting to see the difference – if any – with one being in its second year. I have also noticed that the Fuchsia Berry I had last year is also producing many new shoots and leaves. Did you ever try the berries Mandie??
That`s about all the news for now Gardeners, enjoy the lovely weather that we are having at the moment and enjoy Easter………..also any Easter Eggs and Hot Cross Buns that come your way!!

I started gardening 65 years ago on my Dad’s allotment and now live in Bournemouth, where spend a lot of time gardening since retiring. In 2012 I won the Gold Award for Bournemouth in Bloom Container Garden. I am a member of Thompson & Morgan’s customer trial panel.
So pleased to hear that you can at least get into the greenhouse and garden, must be lovely after your long wait. Hopefully these frosts and cold winds will soon subside I am running out of greenhouse space, may have to come and use some of yours, pity we didn`t live closer!. Take care, Jean x
Dear Jean,
Wow you’ve been so busy in the garden! Love the photos of everything.
I too have 3 of last year’s trail fuschias, they are just starting to put on new growth.
I have never tried fuschia berries- are they nice?
I’m still waiting for my trial seeds from here. Unfortunately I didn’t receive them when Graham said they were sent so he said he would look into it. I have millions of seeds though so plenty to write about- I can garden now but not dig or lift so I have gone a bit mad with seed sowing making up for last year!
Take care,
Love Mandie x