by Thompson & Morgan | Feb 14, 2023 | Gardening Masterclasses, Gardening Posts
Asparagus is a luxurious seasonal treat. The deliciously tender spears arrive in spring, plugging the hungry gap and thrilling foodies across the UK. We’ve tracked down the very best bloggers, YouTubers and Instagrammers who share their own expert advice, from top planting tips and tricks to recipes that will get your mouth watering in anticipation.
Ready to get your asparagus bed started? Browse our collection of high quality asparagus crowns or perhaps even try your hand at starting them off from seed.
The Thompson & Morgan horticultural team produces a wealth of content around gardening and food production. Since the first seed catalogue was published in 1855, Thompson & Morgan has grown to become one of the UK’s largest Mail Order Seed and Plant companies. Through the publication of our catalogues and the operation of our award-winning website, Thompson & Morgan is able to provide home gardeners with the very best quality products money can buy.
by Thompson & Morgan | Jan 20, 2023 | Blogs we love, Gardening Masterclasses, Gardening Posts
Looking for tried-and-tested tips for growing your own beetroot? Then browse this collection of helpful articles, videos and Insta posts. Filled with expert advice from those in the know, these nuggets of wisdom will help you with everything from sowing the seeds to cooking your healthy harvest of fresh beets.
Ready to place an order? Browse our colourful selection of beetroot & chard seeds, or fast-track the growing process and buy a tray of 20 beetroot ‘Rainbow Mixed’ plug plants.
The Thompson & Morgan horticultural team produces a wealth of content around gardening and food production. Since the first seed catalogue was published in 1855, Thompson & Morgan has grown to become one of the UK’s largest Mail Order Seed and Plant companies. Through the publication of our catalogues and the operation of our award-winning website, Thompson & Morgan is able to provide home gardeners with the very best quality products money can buy.
by Thompson & Morgan | Jan 17, 2023 | Blogs we love, Gardening Masterclasses, Gardening Posts
Enjoy the heady fragrance of sweet peas by training these easy cottage garden annuals up trellis, or allowing them to spill out of hanging baskets on the patio. Here, we’ve brought together some of the best independent articles, videos and Instagram posts to help get your sweet peas off to a strong and healthy start.
Ready to start growing? Browse our excellent range of sweet pea seeds to find scented heritage and colourful hybrid varieties. If you’re in a hurry, simply order a few sweet pea plants to save time.
The Thompson & Morgan horticultural team produces a wealth of content around gardening and food production. Since the first seed catalogue was published in 1855, Thompson & Morgan has grown to become one of the UK’s largest Mail Order Seed and Plant companies. Through the publication of our catalogues and the operation of our award-winning website, Thompson & Morgan is able to provide home gardeners with the very best quality products money can buy.
by Thompson & Morgan | Dec 22, 2022 | Gardening Masterclasses, Gardening Posts
Trees bring structure and maturity to a garden. They can be smothered in spectacular blossoms through the spring, boast brightly-coloured foliage in autumn, or deliver all-year-round evergreen interest. You don’t need a huge amount of outdoor space either – some trees are perfectly happy in a large patio container. Here are some of our favourite articles, videos and Instagram posts to help you choose the right tree for your outdoor space.
When you’re ready to place an order, browse our wide range of trees for inspiration.
The Thompson & Morgan horticultural team produces a wealth of content around gardening and food production. Since the first seed catalogue was published in 1855, Thompson & Morgan has grown to become one of the UK’s largest Mail Order Seed and Plant companies. Through the publication of our catalogues and the operation of our award-winning website, Thompson & Morgan is able to provide home gardeners with the very best quality products money can buy.
by Thompson & Morgan | Dec 13, 2022 | Blogs we love, Gardening Masterclasses, Gardening Posts, Vegetables
There’s nothing quite like homegrown carrots and parsnips with your Sunday roast. If you want to grow your own root veg, we’ve gathered some of the best independent YouTube videos, articles and Instagram posts to get you off to a good start. Here’s everything you need to know to grow the perfect crunchy crop.
Raring to grow your own classic heritage varieties and robust hybrids? Stock up on carrot and parsnip seeds from our colourful range of high quality veg.
The Thompson & Morgan horticultural team produces a wealth of content around gardening and food production. Since the first seed catalogue was published in 1855, Thompson & Morgan has grown to become one of the UK’s largest Mail Order Seed and Plant companies. Through the publication of our catalogues and the operation of our award-winning website, Thompson & Morgan is able to provide home gardeners with the very best quality products money can buy.