Find the latest gardening news on the T&M blog. From pumpkins to potatoes, we’ve got it covered!

Grow The Best – Double Your Money Back Guarantee

At Thompson & Morgan we know our customers demand high quality with exceptional value, which is why we have worked hard to produce a range of products which exceeds the high standards our customers have come to expect from us.


Grow your own Monet masterpiece!

As a Royal Academy exhibition examines the role gardens have played in art history, with Monet masterpieces as the starting point, Thompson & Morgan reveals its historic link with the world famous artist, his gardens and paintings.


Pumpkin payout

UK seed firm pays record amount for single giant pumpkin seed and offers it to home gardeners for free!


Having fun with glass jars, beads and succulents

It’s been a long while since I managed to write things down – moving house kind of got in the way and last summer was spent trying to unpack boxes and tame a rather wild garden. Now that things are slowly getting straight I have had a chance to divert my attention to playing with indoor planting.


Thompson & Morgan: The Best for Grow Your Own

Thompson & Morgan is moving into its peak supply season with a spring in its step having swept the board at the Great British Growing awards for a second consecutive year.


Clearing up after Storm Imogen!


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