Find the latest gardening news on the T&M blog. From pumpkins to potatoes, we’ve got it covered!

Pumpkin Kings smash UK record

Ian and Stuart Paton have broken the UK record for a giant pumpkin for the 9th time! They reclaim throne with their 1,884 lbs beauty after it was stolen from them last year.


Is it ripe yet?

Growing your own crops is so satisfying, not forgetting about all the health benefits of eating fresh vegetables too. We spend a lot of time caring for our crops, protecting them from frosts, fighting off pests and disease and generally nurturing them until they are ready to harvest. However, knowing when to harvest your crop is an even bigger challenge. Pick them too soon and they may taste terrible; leave them too late and they are past their best! So how do you know if they’re ripe yet?


Potatoes – does size matter?

If you have grown potatoes before you will know the feeling of disappointment when you harvest your potatoes and what you have in front of you is a poor specimen of potato.


Garden ready trio

Our new garden ready trio consists of our three customer favourites, Sweet William Mixed, Polyanthus Most Scented Mixed and Primrose Husky Mixed. There is no need to wait, our garden ready trio can be planted straight into your garden – it couldn’t be easier! Our garden ready plants arrive healthy and much bigger than other garden companies which you can see below.


Prepare your garden for winter

Winter is coming and autumn is the perfect time to start preparing your garden for winter weather. Your garden doesn’t need to be dull and colourless just because the weather is kicking up a fuss. There are many jobs for you to do in the garden in October to prepare your winter garden, so here are our top 10 tips.


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