Find the latest gardening news on the T&M blog. From pumpkins to potatoes, we’ve got it covered!

What to sow and grow in July

As most experienced gardeners would appreciate, timing is very important when sowing and growing in the garden. But, as a complete novice this is not my strongest point and I would end up planting sweet peas in the summer. As some of you may know, sweet pea plants aren’t particularly heat tolerant, something I have come to learn. To stop you from making the same mistake and wasting those hard earned pennies, we have collated some of our tips so you know what you can sow and grow in July.


Rose ‘Sweet Spot® Calypso’

Rose ‘Sweet Spot® Calypso’ is not a Hybrid Tea, or floribunda, climber, or any other type you may be familiar with. It is so unique it is set to change the way roses are used in UK gardens.


World’s Most Scented Shrub – Daphine ‘Perfume Princess’

‘Locked in the tower’ for a decade, and almost forgotten, ‘Perfume Princess’ is set to knock its wicked step mother, Daphne odora, from the throne to reign as the world’s most scented shrub.


Autumn Plants Teaser

Our autumn plants range boasts spectacular spring bedding plants, shrubs and perennial plants and with such a huge variety available you will be spoilt for choice. We asked our gardening guru Michael Perry for his top 10 plants from our autumn range, so that we can bring you our autumn plants ‘behind the scenes’.


Gardening Tips – Tower Pots

Our decorative pot and support frame is specially designed to train plants into pillars of colour. It can be used as a half frame, for supporting plants to use as cut flowers, or as full frame for showy climbers such as Clematis. The Tower Pot is so versatile! Here are our gardening tips to get you on your way;


How To Grow Potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most popular vegetables to grow in your garden. You can grow potatoes either in the ground or you can grow them in potato bags or containers and it really couldn’t be easier with our expert advice on how to grow potatoes.


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