Find the latest gardening news on the T&M blog. From pumpkins to potatoes, we’ve got it covered!

Easy crops to grow for beginners

Being a beginner gardener is exciting and refreshing, and there will always be something for you to do and learn about your garden. But where do you start? Which soil do you use? How to prune? When to Sow? How do you grow plants? The questions are endless! We have collated 10 easy crops to grow for beginners.  From plants to fruit and veg these will help to get you on your way and ease you into gardening.



We were extremely happy to be selected as a TomTato® trialler for Thompson & Morgan. To grow an innovative and inspiring plant is such a great opportunity and I am here to share the journey with you. When our TomTato® arrived safe and sound I was incredibly excited to begin the growing process. The plant was packaged extremely well for transit and did not suffer from the journey at all. By the following morning he had straightened up and was reaching out for the sunshine.


Wild flowers – all you need to know

Wildflower (or Wild Flower) simply means that the plant was not intentially planted or seeded.



Walk around any neighbourhood during the summer and you’ll see plenty of glorious Hydrangeas. They’re one of the most tough and durable shrubs for a European climate. They’re also available in a huge range of colours… although, you wouldn’t know it, as most of the ones I see seem to be pink or blue! Well, prepare to be dazzled… and you’ll need your sunglasses!


Hanging baskets – Getting it right!

Getting hanging baskets right doesn’t have to be a great effort. All too often I see such poor, forgotten hanging baskets outside people’s homes, which probably started off looking good, but then quickly went downhill, as people found them too much effort to care for. It doesn’t have to be this way. Start your baskets in the right way, and they’ll be easier to maintain and will dazzle passers-by!


Garden Jobs for June

There are always things to do in your gardens throughout the year, big or small; you can always be tending to your garden. One of the pleasures of gardening is that it isn’t just a seasonal hobby and it can be enjoyed all year whether sun or rain. We have put together a guide for you detailing garden jobs for June so you can get the most out of your garden.


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