Thompson & Morgan Gardening Blog

Our gardening blog covers a wide variety of topics, including fruit, vegetable and tree stories. Read some of the top gardening stories right here.

Propagation, planting out and cultivation posts from writers that know their subjects well.

What to do when your plug plants arrive

Fuchsia plug plants from T&M

Fuchsia postiplugs from T&M
Image: Fuchsia plug plants from T&M

Plug plants are an incredibly convenient way to fill your garden or veg patch. They’re quicker than sowing seeds, but cheaper than buying fully grown plants, and they offer a high success rate. Garden-ready plug plants can go straight outside as soon as the weather is warm enough, while smaller plugs may need potting on. Here are some quick tips on what to do when your plug plants are delivered.

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WIN a Patio Pond Plant Kit from Thompson & Morgan

Think your garden is too small for a pond? Think again! Enter our competition to win a Patio Pond Kit and enjoy an elegant water feature designed especially for small spaces. A clever way to try your hand at growing beautiful aquatic plants, the local birds and wildlife will love it too!

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Featured Gardener: Lizzie Schofield

Image of Lizzie Schofield with yellow flower

Image courtesy of Lizzie Schofield

Lizzie Schofield, aka @cuthbertsbrae_garden, lives with her family in the north-east of Scotland and is a proud ambassador for Scotland’s Garden Scheme. She’s also a television presenter on BBC Two’s Beechgrove Garden. Find out how Lizzie turned a wild wasteland into something rather special…

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Money saving garden tips: soil improvement

Someone dressed in gardening attire, shovelling compost in a wooden raised bed.

Improving the soil in raised beds with homemade compost
Image: shutterstock

Gardening gets you outside, improves fitness and delivers immense satisfaction. And with some clever hacks, it doesn’t have to break the bank. We asked our favourite gardening experts to share cost-effective ways to improve soil quality. Here are some of their practical tips for creating an affordable garden from the ground up…

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Featured Gardener: Tom Strowlger

Tom Strowlger crouched in wellies holding a leafy plant.

Images courtesy of Tom Strowlger

A popular Instagram gardener, Tom Strowlger, aka @garden_with_tom, started posting videos during lockdown and has never looked back. This inspirational garden writer captures the wonder of each plant and flower in his garden, unveiling the magic of nature with friendly ease. Find out what Tom has planned for the year ahead…

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Money saving garden tips: cost-effective plants and flowers

Rambling roses on an arch in a cottage style garden.

Image: shutterstock

You can fill your garden with colour and interest, even on a tight budget, given a little time and patience. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with a few packets of seeds or some carefully chosen shrubs. We asked our favourite gardening experts to suggest cost-effective plants and flowers to bring your garden to life. Here’s what they said…

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How to grow spinach

Spinach 'Monnopa' Seeds from T&M

Spinach is one of the quickest and easiest crops to grow, and a great way to fill gaps between taller, or slower-growing vegetables. Full of vitamins and minerals, fresh baby spinach is delicious raw while larger leaves can be steamed or stir-fried. Here, our horticultural team shares top tips on how to grow spinach.

Browse our full range of spinach seeds for inspiration.

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Money saving garden tips: cost-effective fruit and veg

Vegetable plants growing in a wooden raised bed.

Image: shutterstock

Preparing a meal from homegrown ingredients is incredibly satisfying and can help to save money too. We asked our favourite gardening experts to share tips on cost-effective fruit and vegetables to grow at home. Here are some of their tried-and-tested suggestions…

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Money saving garden tips: cost-effective seed sowing

Woman's hand holding seeds over a seed tray filled with individual pots of soil.

Image: shutterstock

Growing plants from seed is one of the best ways to save money in the garden, and it’s also immensely satisfying. A few packets of seed can fill your garden with colour or provide delicious organic produce to feed your family.

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How to use our hedging calculator

Our hedging calculator takes all the guesswork out of ordering hedging plants. Simply choose the variety you want, add the length you need, and decide how thick you want your hedge to be. Our helpful tool instantly calculates the number of plants to order, and applies any relevant discounts.

Whether you opt for bare root hedging plants, small 9cm potted shrubs or large 10 litre specimens, our hedge planting calculator guarantees that you order the correct number. It’s also a clever way to compare the cost of different hedging plants (and different sizes) before you make your final decision.

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Meet the experts

The T&M blog has a wealth of knowledgeable contributors. Find out more about them on our "Meet the experts" page.

Award-Winning Plants & Seeds

Create a show stopping display in your garden with our award-winning plants and seeds.


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