Growing roses from seed, can be hard work. But well worth the effort

If you're looking for some inspiration for your garden, you're in the right place. We can tell you which plants are good for your pond, and which household items are great for your garden. Read articles by some of the UK's gardening experts, and get your gardening motivation here!
Growing roses from seed, can be hard work. But well worth the effort
Another successful new variety by T&M for 2017
Graham Porter has a way to get our 5 a day. Even during winter!
Ornamental grasses are the perfect way to add winter interest in your garden
Under threat bees need our help to survive the cold winter months.
Caroline Broome’s autumnal blog keeps us amused during the cold weather
Jane Scorer provides valuable advice on preparing for winter in the garden
A helpful and instructive first earlies potato growing guide for the beginner
Jean winds down for winter but her flowers are still blooming like it’s summer
Geoff Stonebanks has had a fantastic year at Driftwood. Inspirational.