Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Thompson & Morgan Horticultural Team
Gone are the days when plants were restricted to balconies or gardens. In modern decor, they are being given a place in the drawing-room, the kitchen, and even the bedroom. Apart from adding to the beauty of your indoor spaces, plants also purify the air and make the environment healthy. They regulate the levels of oxygen in the air and reduce carbon dioxide.
These plants are not even expensive and also work to uplift people’s moods and cheer them up. Now, having plants in your house isn’t as easy as it sounds. Therefore, in this article, we shall be addressing ways to keep your plants healthy and take good care of them.

©Shutterstock – Apart from adding to the beauty of your indoor spaces, plants also purify the air and make the environment healthy.
What are the best indoor plants?
There are many plants (especially, the tropical ones) that can be grown in small pots in your home. Sansevieria, Philodendron, Pothos, ZZ plant, and most succulents make excellent indoor plants.
A good indoor plant must have two basic properties. It should be able to grow in less humidity and less light than most outdoor plants. It also shouldn’t grow at a rapid rate, since you have limited space indoors for plants.
Here are a few plants that are perfect for being grown indoors.
A low maintenance plant which will not consume much water and can even survive periods of drought (when you are away on holiday). This plant also does not require much light to grow making it useful for shaded corners of your home.

©T&M – Aspidistra copes well with low light levels.
These plants are mostly planted for their attractive foliage but they will also grow in a wide range of light conditions and do not grow particularly quickly.
These plants are very easy to grow, even for beginners, and cope very well with indoor conditions. Climbing Philodendrons can be trained to make use of vertical spaces making them especially versatile.
How to take care of your indoor plants:
Choosing the right plants to grow indoors will make caring for them so much easier. Different plants need different kind of care. Therefore, a suitable amount of research must be done to ensure that plants are taken good care of. Here are some tips that could help you get the best from your houseplants.
- You must make sure that the soil in which you have planted your plant isn’t too dry or too moist. Take the time to learn what moisture level you plants require as they will all vary.
- Choose a pot that has holes in its bottom, so that excess water can be drained away through it to prevent waterlogging.
- Ensure that your plants receive appropriate amounts of light (either artificially or naturally). Again, take some time to learn what light levels your chosen plants require and then position them with this in mind.

©T&M – Ensure that your plants receive appropriate amounts of light.
Where can indoor plants be placed?
You could choose some small plants like Chinese Money Plant and Begonia rex and place them on your desk in your workspace, or on a windowsill or shelf. Some plants that are a bit larger are better positioned as a table centre piece or stood on the ground in your living areas to create a focal point. Philodendrons, Monstera and Kentia Palms make good choices.

©Shutterstock – Large plants are best positioned as a table centre piece or stood on the ground in your living areas to create a focal point.
By using potted plants, you can implement some home remodeling changes, adding those finishing touches to your interior design.
There are many other benefits of having indoor plants. They increase the amount of oxygen in the air, make the air fresh, uplift your mood and also add to the decor of your house. There are so many houseplants to choose from that you are sure to find one to suit your style.

Since I was a kid, I always found myself in the kitchen whenever there was something cooking. Even though none from the family was occupied with cooking as a profession, my mother was very fond of cooking and baking. She actually was the one that sparked my motivation and love for the kitchen. I grew up believing that the dinner table is that safe bubble for the family after long and dynamic days, my mother’s meals always brought us together. Seeing that, my parents got me into cooking classes which made me fall even more in love with it. I continued to chase this dream of mine through the years. I’ve been working with a local restaurant for 4 years now, as I am also about to finish my culinary studies. There’s nothing that makes me more happy than seeing people who put in practice and enjoy my advice. Such, I also take joy in sharing my tips with audiences via guest posting from time to time.