Welcome to Thompson & Morgan’s gardening blog

The Best Plants for June

The Best Plants for June

In June the garden bursts into an extravagance of flowers and it’s almost impossible to choose amongst them, but here are five of my perennial favourites.

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Jobs to do in the garden in June

Jobs to do in the garden in June

In June the garden is at its freshest. It’s time to sit back and enjoy long summer evenings surrounded by abundant flowers and lush foliage whilst surveying the results of all your work earlier in the year. If you worked hard in May, you should already have crossed many of June’s jobs off your list!

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Fairytale Foxgloves

Fairytale Foxgloves

Foxgloves make excellent border plants, lending both romance and an airy architecture to gardens as well as providing ample food for bees.

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Best Drought-Resistant Plants

Best Drought-Resistant Plants

Spring and summer droughts are becoming increasingly common across many parts of the UK. With temperatures rising and rainfall becoming less consistent, drought-resistant plants have never been more important to gardeners. A drought-tolerant garden can be more...

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The Best Plants for May

The Best Plants for May

May is a fabulous time in the garden – flowering shrubs are abundant and early perennials blooming. Here are some of the best and easiest plants to grow.

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Zany Zinnias!

Zany Zinnias!

So many people say they have no end of trouble growing Zinnias from seed. But they’re actually easy. All you need to do is observe one simple rule!

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Award-Winning Plants & Seeds

Create a show stopping display in your garden with our award-winning plants and seeds.


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