Last Updated on August 5, 2024 by Thompson & Morgan Horticultural Team

If the plant bug has bitten you, and you’ve filled your garden already, then you need to think; ‘what do cities do when they run of space..?’ Answer: they build upwards! You can use this same concept in your own garden to great effect. There’s no excuse to have bare fences and walls when there are so many climbers to choose from. It’s not just about traditional climbers any more either, so you need to think beyond clematis and honeysuckle. Have you tried climbing fuchsias, climbing petunias, even climbing geraniums…??



Something else that can decorate your walls is hanging baskets ! Just a few wall brackets here and there and your garden will soon look like the hanging gardens of Babylon! Be wise when you plant up for easier maintenance; mix in a water-retaining gel to reduce the frequency of watering, and keep them dead-headed and preened to make them bloom for longer!


On patios, you can buy containers which add height, for example the ‘stack-a-pot’, where you can make the most of the space; it’s almost like a little skyscraper! It’s ideal for cropping strawberries, so who thought you needed a vegetable patch to grow your own. Tonnes of vegetables can be grown and harvested on the patio; and you’ll find them easier to care for too and the crops nice and clean and easy to pick! You can also try our tower pot, train plants into pillars of colour on your patio.


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