‘Under the Weather’
As I sit here at noon on a Wednesday, my home has been enveloped by a huge dark cloud once again and the rain is misting out the houses across the street. It is utterly miserable and I am going to have to turn the daylight stimulation bulb on any minute before I give up on the day altogether. The ground is already saturated out there and I can hear the cars driving through the laying water on the road outside, oh and then there’s the wind. All in all I think maybe today was a day for staying in bed and dreaming of Spring.

Spring’s on its way
I am an Allotmenteer, I’m a photographer and dog owner and thus this weather somewhat rings the death knell on all of that. There is only so much joy you can get from thinking about doing those things that make you happy; it’s the getting out and doing it really puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart. However my allotment is a swamp, I have started to term the conditions there as ‘quicksoil’; it simply sucks you down and I swear you could lose tools in there, if not a limb!

I gain joy, a sense of pride, a feeling of hope from the act of growing my own. This is such a treasure and is made all the more priceless when you learn that I am a chronic depressive and someone who suffers from suicidal feelings and acute anxiety. My life is a daily battle with the dark, searching for some hope, some joy to grasp on to and fuel my fight and let me tell you winter is my biggest enemy. I am sure that for you the time has come when the planning and dreaming of what you wish to achieve in your garden this year has become more frustration than excitement; we want to get on with it already!
Seeds, I love seeds. I love those little bits of dead looking nothing that come bursting into life with some soil, warmth and a little water. That green tip pushing through the surface, searching out the sunlight, so bright and fresh and screaming of a new start and hope. There is little in this world that is more glorious, more satisfying than being a parent and watching our young grow and flourish, protecting them, nurturing them and then finally eating them.

Potatoes chitting
Ahh but spring is coming, in the battle of the seasons she always conquers over winter. I have my stash of flower and vegetable seeds at the ready and my potatoes are chitting. Each day sees the sunlight last just that fraction longer and soon, soon my friends we shall get back out into nature, we shall dig the soil, feed it, grow plants, tend to them and all will be right with the world again. Can you feel it? The sadness is lifting, there is a new riot of colour getting ready in those bulbs we planted last year, the trees are getting dressed once more and hope, hope is in the air!
You can read my blog here: http://growourown.blogspot.com/

The Thompson & Morgan horticultural team produces a wealth of content around gardening and food production. Since the first seed catalogue was published in 1855, Thompson & Morgan has grown to become one of the UK’s largest Mail Order Seed and Plant companies. Through the publication of our catalogues and the operation of our award-winning website, Thompson & Morgan is able to provide home gardeners with the very best quality products money can buy.
I am looking for another job. As with so many other people nowadays I’ve applied for positions that I’m eminently qualified for and yet not got an interview.
The last application I submitted asked me to show my: “Enthusiasm, optimism and resilience”.
I wrote: “Summed up by my gardening last year. Enthusiasm from Jan to March whilst planting seeds in the greenhouse for our newly landscaped garden. Optimism over Easter when planting out the results of Jan-March’s enthusiasm. Resilience from then on as the only plant to thrive was duckweed (and brussel sprouts!) but knowing that you can always do it again next year. I think this year I may just skip to the ‘resilience’ part – it will save time!”.
I’ve got an interview :o)
That’s brilliant, love it! Hope they offer you the job!
Great post. Getting started with the planting here too.
What a wonderfully uplifiting post. Spring has been delayed by so much that I’ve only started sowing this week. I too look forward to seeing those little seedlings burst into life.
Thank you so much for this fascinating post. I myself have recently ‘discovered’ gardening, mainly as a therapy, as I have been diagnosed with a number of incurable disorders / conditions which has thrown my world into a total whirl. I found myself in the garden one day, taking out my stress on the soil, and since then, have found that the time I spend in the garden, is time away ‘from my stress and strain’….all my worries seem forgotten. So I now have a huge garden that I have always neglected, and a new found passion for it. I would also love to be entered into your wildflower competition, as I need all the help and plants I can get!
great post, very interesting, thanks for writing
Lovely post,saw my first carrot seedling today it made my weekend take care sarah 🙂
Equinox tomorrow, which is good for both of us. I’ll think of you as I see the roses saying thank goodness summer is over, now we can get on with making autumn flush flowers!
What a lovely post Carrie, thank you, I really enjoyed it.
I am so pleased for you. I followed the link here. I think of the people you will reach with these posts and SMILE:~) See, that’s a double smile.
The Thompson and Morgan people are very lucky to have recruited you. Be sure to let us know when you post here. As I’m across the pond, I wouldn’t know. The UK is so much advanced than the States in growing healthier food.
I wish just the right amount of sunny days for you!
i myself suffer with depression. following a total melt down just over 2 yrs ago, i took to gardening and growing plants, even though ive lost hundreds as im a total novice, i can say my gardening has probably saved my life to be honest, gave me something to focus on, and gave me a great enjoyment and thrill seeing life start to burst out of the compost, well i love my garden even though i have bored my family and friends to death, i definatly say it has been fab therapy for me and will continue to be xxx
You’ve certainly seen the benefits of gardening — from dreaming about plans to envisioning seeds sprouting to harvesting your bounty. Great post.
Hello Carrie well done on an inspiring post that I’m sure all of us that grow our own can relate to one way or another. xx
Chin Up Carrie, keep up the good work.
i think raised beds about 1m high should get you out of the slough of despond
Mark J
Hi Carrie
There’s always wonder in how those dry little husks can produce something wonderful. That always lifts the spirits doesn’t it?
Oh goodness YES Sue 😉 I think that is why gardening is so universal; we all need to see change, positive change and be surrounded by hope. I think that in many cases we have become detached from the earth but growing your own means you notice little things like the subtle changes in temperature and the seasons. It’s what we are meant to be doing.
Oh yes, Carrie, every word is true. Great piece. 🙂
Miss J – my dear friend. Thank you so much for your comment 😀
What an inspirational post. Thank-you for sharing! Hopefully the weather is about to turn and your allotment adventure will begin again … x
I have faith in Mother Nature, she doesn’t want to be this grumpy all the time. The warmer days will come and wait, in the summer I will be writing about long days and evenings on the plot working away with the sun on my back. Thank you for your kind comment Lauran xx
Weather will improve. I have same about even in idaho.usa. I. Have to open a allblinds and some windows.I yes it can be very chilly but like my mom says you need to blow the stink off. Don’t feel alone as you are not…..even from tis littlt idao potato gal in idah usa. Sorry about my spelling
I think I may have to use that expression from now on ‘You need to blow the stink off’ – hilarious and true! Thank you for your comment, it really does help to remember you are not alone. Hugs C xx
I do so love your writing, Carrie. I have read about your ecotherapy on your blog before and your enthusiasm shines through your blog posts.
This is a great introduction to those who know nothing about ecotherapy. I always look forward to the growing season, but you express it so much better than I could.
Good luck with this years growing!
Mo you are a fabulous writer and love your blog, but thank you so much for your kind words about mine.
I have found that Ecotherapy is so much a part of my coping with life that it comes easy to write about it, to enthuse and I really want to share. I think this year is going to be excellent and I can’t wait to write about it and read others’ blogs and share the excitement xx
It was lovely to read this after following the link from Carrie’s blog. With spring on it’s way and the couple of very sunny days, the mood does lift and seeing the new shoots and knowing that very soon our plates will be full of fresh, invigorating flavours and colours and our houses full of the scents of freshly cut flowers that we have grown ourselves certainly brings us out of the dark, bitter days of winter. Carrie’s blog is fantastic, I recommend you follow.
Chel C – aww you’ve made me all emotional what a lovely recommendation. Sadly the past 3 days I have been dogged with migraine and this time your words have uplifted me and I know that the allotment is where I need to be, just as soon as I can face the daylight.
Love and hugs x
Very uplifting post – who doesn’t feel better with the feel of the sun on your face and the sight of a new green shoot xx
Who indeed?! Yet so often we let life get in the way and ignore these little powerful pleasures, household chores, food shopping you name it, there is always something else calling or name.
Hope you are growing lots this year xx
Carrie I floowed the link over here. What a great post!! I was not familiar with ecotherapy until reading this. Quite fascinating!!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting; you absolute sweetheart xx Hugs voucher for Keith Wynn, lol 🙂