In getting the most from your garden, it’s worth taking advice from gardeners who’ve been there and done it. And at Thompson & Morgan, we’re lucky to be in touch with individuals who blog about their gardening experiences as they work through the seasons. Thanks to their know-how, we’ve been able to put together an amazing collection of green-fingered tips for our audience.

So it’s time to sit back, relax and take heed from experts as they cover everything from seeds to wildlife in this series of articles.

Hedges masterclass: best expert content

Green hornbeam hedging

Hedges provide shelter and privacy in the garden
Image: Hornbeam (hedging) from Thompson & Morgan

Here’s everything you need to create a spectacular living boundary from hedging plants in your garden. We’ve pulled together wisdom from a whole host of independent gardeners and designers and featured their best YouTube videos, Instagram posts and articles. Whether you start with bare root or container grown plants, here’s how to choose, plant and prune the perfect hedge.


Seed and seedling tips from the experts


Give your seeds the best start with these great tips!
Image: Marie C Fields/Shutterstock

Get your seeds and seedlings off to a great start by taking a look at our top tips. These handy hints come courtesy of some of our favourite gardening bloggers – advice from experienced growers and bloggers who know what they’re talking about. 


Low-maintenance outdoor plants for busy gardeners

Plants are beautiful decorations for your garden, and luckily there are many of those which are easy to care for if you have a busy lifestyle. There are plenty of varieties that don’t need staking, frequent deadheading and dividing, complicated pruning, or excessive watering. Below we’ve listed the most popular low-maintenance outdoor plants for busy gardeners.


Why is Sustainable Gardening so Important These Days?

In essence, sustainable gardening is not a new term, but the practice has started gaining traction recently. What gardening sustainably means, what does the process involve, and what makes it so important today?


Flowers You Should Avoid Planting Near One Another

There’s certainly an art to orchestrating your garden. Learning about which flowering plants work well together or which are incompatible due to their unique growth conditions is the key to creating gorgeous and harmonious combinations in your yard.

Below are several examples of flowers you should avoid planting near one another, which prove just how important it is to pay attention to your plant tags.


A Taste For The Tropics: Creating A Jungle Garden!

If summer holidays to far-off places feel out of reach right now, maybe it’s time to plan for a holiday at home? Creating a tropical feel on your suburban patio isn’t as far-fetched as it might sound. There are plenty of exotic beauties that will flourish in our cooler climate, but still create that luxuriant leafy feel that will transport you far away on sultry summer days.


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