Flowers You Should Avoid Planting Near One Another
There’s certainly an art to orchestrating your garden. Learning about which flowering plants work well together or which are incompatible due to their unique growth conditions is the key to creating gorgeous and harmonious combinations in your yard.
Below are several examples of flowers you should avoid planting near one another, which prove just how important it is to pay attention to your plant tags.

Wisteria trees, billowing roses and lavender framing the meandering stone pathway, and beautiful ivy growing up the walls of the house – It was nanny Davis’s overflowing cottage garden that created the plant lover I am today. I’ve come a long way from helping her pick those graffiti-petaled beauties for her glass vase in the old days. Working as a consulting horticulturist, today I have the opportunity to put my sharpened floral arranging and designing techniques to great use, transforming people’s gardens and patios into spaces of their dreams.