Geoff takes us around his stunning winter beach garden

If you're looking for some inspiration for your garden, you're in the right place. We can tell you which plants are good for your pond, and which household items are great for your garden. Read articles by some of the UK's gardening experts, and get your gardening motivation here!
Geoff takes us around his stunning winter beach garden
Graham plans a scheme based on his love of dancing
Kate’s first blog looks into making her own seed compost
Amanda updates us on her garden and more of her plans for this year
Jane looks at cut flower varieties to grow from seed
T&M extends the 3-in-1 plant concept
Caroline shows us her favourite plants for 2016 and gets ready for 2017
Julia Boulton talks about what worked in her garden in this year
Jean Willis is ready for winter and for Christmas, before the weather sets in!
Top 10 gardening gifts for Christmas. Helpful gift guide for gardeners