What to grow on the allotment this season

With all the crocus and daffodils popping their little heads through the soil, it gets me thinking about my plan on what to grow in the coming season on the allotment. Even though this plan changes and develops beyond recognition, as the year goes on I still use it as my rough guide.

When I first started planting veg I would religiously check the information on the back of the seed packet to make sure I was planting and sowing correctly. However, I found that as time went on, I was planting out way too early and was caught out by late frost on more than one occasion (once bitten, twice shy as the saying goes). Experience has taught me to relax and hold back with the sowing. I’ve just started sowing chilli seeds because germination of some varieties can be roughly six weeks (I get so impatient with these). My hubby and sons are chilli maniacs so I always end up growing too many varieties in the pursuit of heat and flavour balance. This year we are growing Black Olive, Lemon Drop and Chocolate Naga, but I’m sure the list will grow bigger as time goes on. I was also given some Spanish Padron chillies by my good twitter friend, this has sparked a friendly chilli race involving myself and a few others. We have all sown at different times and used different methods so it will be interesting to see how it all pans out. Mine are only just starting to develop they took roughly four weeks, I’ve had them sitting on the window sill as my greenhouse isn’t heated, once the temperature evens out I shall transfer them.

sowing on the allotment

The temperature today in the greenhouse reached 81 degrees but dips massively at night still. I’ve also sown tomatoes. I’ve chosen Tomato Tigeralla, Tomato Choc Cherry, Tomato Romello and my favourite is Sungold and Shirley, these are easy to grow and the Sungold are amazingly sweet. I would highly recommend these if you haven’t tried them before. I use tomatillos for salsa, they grow with a papery casing, once fully grown peal the casing back and the tomatillo will be inside. I’m growing the green variety but you can also get the black variety. When using these for cooking make sure you thoroughly rush them as they have a sticky substance which covers them that is really bitter and awful.

You still have time to plant out your garlic if you haven’t already done so (garlic is best planted between November and April) and also get your onion sets in. I planted Stuttgart white onions and red onions, just make sure you make a small hole with your dibber first as you don’t want to damage the root. Onions need to be planted roughly 4 inches apart and in rows 12 inches apart, from mid-March to mid-April. They don’t need to be planted very deep, just so the tops are showing. You may find the birds occasionally pull the odd one up, it’s not a problem just gently poke it back in and it will be fine. Before planting just check that all your onions are healthy, there is no mould etc. By now I should imagine you have your potatoes chitting, there has been some debate in recent years whether to chit or not (what does chitting mean?) Chitting is basically another work for sprouting, what you do when you chit your seed potatoes is basically to speed up the aging process of the potato by exposing it to light and more importantly a bit of warmth, this will cause the eyes of the seed potato to start sprouting. The sprouts should be small, nobly and green and purple in colour. If you end up with long white coloured sprouts it means there’s not enough light.

Sunshine and sowing seeds

I made the most of the sunshine on Sunday morning, busy sowing my tomato and chilli seeds, I love this time of year when it gets busy with seed selection and seed sowing. The up cycled table that my husband Ian repaired last year comes in handy for potting seeds (but it is the dog grooming table!)

I bought a cheap garden propagator kit that came with three single cell inserts; cheap enough to throw them away because they normally split popping out the plug plants. Monty Don recently said on Gardeners’ World that it was a good idea to use single seeds because you don’t have to keep transplanting seedlings, that’s the bit I dread the most! You nurture the seeds, they germinate and then you have to up-root them and pot them on (and on) if they are tomatoes. This way you just pop out the whole plug and pot it on, simple. And the good thing about the single cell inserts, you can write the seed name in permanent marker, even better.

Sunshine and sowing seeds

Here is a list of the seeds I started off at the weekend:

Tomato Terenzo (Thompson & Morgan) – a new one for me a high yielding red cherry tumbler type, no side shoots to remove and produces a high number of sweet red fruits which resist splitting (perfect, no fuss). I plan to put 2 or 3 planters in the gravel garden next to the veg patch for full sun.

Tomato Orkado FI Hybrid (Thompson & Morgan) – another first for me. Outdoor cordon variety perfect for growing in British indifferent summers! Early to ripen first trusses with an average 8 round, deep red fruits per truss. Well flavoured and another variety resistant to splitting and great for slicing.

Pepper Chili Numex Twilight (Thompson & Morgan) – an ornamental edible suitable for pots on the patio in full sun. Attractive dark leaves show off the fruit ripening from purple to yellow, orange then red. Bears hundreds of small edible chillies July to October.

Tomato Golden Sunrise (Cordon, Thompson & Morgan) – an attractive RHS AGM variety producing medium sized, well shaped, golden yellow tomatoes that add a lovely splash of colour to summer salads. Crops of Tomato ‘Golden Sunrise’ are early maturing and prolific with a sweet, fruity flavour that is quite distinctive. This cordon variety is suitable for growing in the greenhouse or outdoors.

Read more on my blog, ‘Eight by six’

Bumper crops and fabulous flowers

What a fabulous year I’ve had with T&M plants, as you might be aware we open for the National Garden Scheme and by appointment anytime between May and September, which keeps us on our toes, meeting likewise gardeners and having time for tea and cake.

A lot of the visitors have commented on the trial plants and where can they get them, so Thompson & Morgan gets mentioned a lot. Next year I am putting up a sign explaining what I am doing, and any T&M trial plant will have a special label on, it will save me explaining it to hundreds of visitors.

Bumper crops and fabulous flowers

Bumper crops and fabulous flowers

Bumper crops of tomato Alicante and Gardener’s Delight, and Cucumber Zeina, so much so, I have given lots to family and friends when they come round – some who don’t normally eat cucumbers because of indigestion which they said they didn’t have with Zeina.

Bumper crops and fabulous flowers

Cucumber Zeina

The mini greenhouse cloches have been invaluable all through the season, and are still in use now for cuttings. Even though another second-hand greenhouse was put up in March.

Fuchsia ‘Duke of Wellington’ with its purple and dark pink flowers hanging down have been flowering for months now.

Bumper crops and fabulous flowers

Fuchsia ‘Duke of Wellington’

Clematis ‘Twinkle Bell’ has gorgeous bell shaped yellow flowers which hang down in rows and just keep on flowering.

Bumper crops and fabulous flowers

Clematis repens or ‘Twinkle Bell’

Make a change to your plant choices

Make a positive change to your plant choices this spring – new from Michael Perry

Perhaps you’ve become used to growing the same plants each year, regardless of whether they perform well for you or not! You may even doubt your own gardening skills when those plants fail or succumb to pest or disease.

I’m about to change all that.

My new range of articles will show you some positive alternatives for you to try, such as tomatoes that won’t be shot down by blight or just some fresher choices for the patio.

Make a change to your plant choices – new from Michael Perry

Gerbera Landscape’ – flowers all summer long

Grow gerbera ‘Landscape’, not zonal geraniums


Pots of zonal geraniums can often be the lazy gardener’s choice. Yes, they’re resilient and long-lasting, but wouldn’t you like to try something new?

Recent breeding technology has revolutionised the popular cut flower gerbera. These exclusive new patio varieties are ideal for summer patio pots and will virtually look after themselves.

The plants are incredibly robust and will produce more than 50 blooms through the season. You can save them for the second year, just as you would zonal geraniums, so they’ll come back bigger and better.


Make a change to your plant choices - new from Michael Perry

Lily ‘China Girl’ – pollen-free lilies

Grow lily ‘China Girl’, not lily ‘Stargazer’


For all the beauty of ‘Stargazer’, its colour display can be notoriously short-lived.

Why not consider lily ‘China Girl’? This exclusive new variety will last twice as long as ‘Stargazer’, thanks to its extra layer of petals. You’ll probably also find the fragrance a bit more enjoyable too – it’s softer and less over-powering than usual oriental lilies.

What’s more, lily ‘China Girl’ is also pollen-free, meaning it won’t stain your clothes as the pollen-speckled blooms of ‘Stargazer’ will! ‘China Girl’ is seldom seen in florists or even garden centres.


Make a change to your plant choices - new from Michael Perry

Cosmos ‘Brightness Mixed’ – stunning in borders

Grow cosmos ‘Brightness Mixed’, not French marigolds


The days of regimented, odd-smelling marigolds could be over! There’s now an alternative which is just as brightly coloured and has even more flower power.

Cosmos ‘Brightness Mixed’ is a sulphureus type of cosmos, which has a lovely spreading habit. Plants will knit together and cover the ground better than any marigold, suppressing weeds and mulching the soil as they go, meaning less watering!

We’ve tested these cosmos in our trials for a few years now and they’ll flower right from late June until the first frosts.


Make a change to your plant choices - new from Michael Perry

Tomato Ferline – blight-resistant tomatoes

Grow tomato ‘Ferline’, not tomato ‘Moneymaker’


Tomato Moneymaker is a well-known variety, grown since the 1960s by home gardeners.

But, as UK summers become ever more unpredictable, this older variety just isn’t coming up to scratch. Plants often get destroyed by blight, an airborne fungal disease, which can ruin crops within days.

‘Ferline’ is a sensible alternative, as it is one of the most blight tolerant varieties in the marketplace. The answer to tomato fans’ prayers! Good-sized, tasty fruits, some say even better flavoured than ‘Moneymaker’ too.

Thompson & Morgan names exclusive tomato mix its ‘Veg of the Year’

Tomato Rainbow Blend - Vegetable of the Year 2013

Tomato Rainbow Blend – Vegetable of the Year 2013

Tomato Rainbow Blend – a stunning blend of ‘baby plum’ tomatoes in yellow, orange and red – plus a rare and unusual pink.

Tomatoes are Thompson & Morgan’s No. 1 selling vegetable and the company offers an incredibly wide range of varieties; from large ‘beefsteaks’ to tiny, tasty ‘cherries’, there’s something to suit the palate of every tomato lover. However, Thompson & Morgan is always on the look-out for new and unusual varieties to tempt its customers, and has found a great example in Tomato Rainbow Blend.

Offered exclusively by Thompson & Morgan, these fabulous 4 ‘baby plum’ varieties – Katiebell (yellow), Lizziebell (orange), Luciebell (red) and the unusual Flamingo (pink) – were selected from over 70 tomato varieties by 3 different breeders. Selection for sweetness, flavour and colour has produced this blend of the best ‘baby plum’ tomatoes. Plants are productive as well as attractive – up to 12 fruits per truss and up to 10 trusses per plant when grown under glass. When grown outside, gardeners should allow just 4-5 trusses to encourage fruits to fully ripen. The ‘baby plums’ are very juicy, boasting deliciously high levels of sweetness, – 8 to 9 on the Brix scale – and weighing on average 16-20g (½-¾oz).

The prettily contrasting tomato colours will brighten the garden or greenhouse and once picked, will make delicious and colourful additions to salads, tomato sauces and a whole host of other tomato dishes. Their thin skins mean that fruits resist splitting on the plant and are well-suited to being cooked as well as eaten raw.

Always pleased to be bringing a new and interesting variety to its customers, Thompson & Morgan believes that Tomato Rainbow Blend will appeal to gardeners who like to grow something a little ‘different’, as well as to anyone who appreciates the wonderful taste of home-grown tomatoes.

Buy Tomato Rainbow Blend here

Tomato facts

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