by Carol Gubler | Jun 5, 2021 | Fuchsia Festival, Gardening News, Gardening Posts

Compact bushy fuchsias look fantastic planted in patio containers
Image: Fuchsia ‘Swingtime’ from Thompson & Morgan
Longtime fuchsia enthusiast Carol Gubler explains here how to pinch out your fuchsia plants to control flowering time, grow bushier plants, and kickstart extravagant blooming. Carol draws from a lifetime of experience with these fabulous flowers to create excellent tips and advice you can trust. Don’t miss the video demonstration below too!
My family first got the fuchsia bug in 1963 when my late father stopped to admire the plants growing in a neighbour’s garden – they were fuchsias and he was hooked! Gradually the garden was overtaken by fuchsias – and in 1979 we moved as a family to a little village near Guildford, where to this day I grow lots of fuchsias (about 500 different types!)
I am Assistant Secretary of The British Fuchsia Society and involved in anything and everything to do with fuchsias!
by Carol Gubler | May 8, 2015 | Gardening News, Gardening Posts
Summer is almost here! We want to be able to keep our fuchsias looking good for months to come.
However to get to that situation – they do need some care and attention to keep them looking at their best! Luckily once fuchsias get going, they will flower until the first frosts or until you have had enough!
So here are my top tips for keeping your fuchsias at their best for many weeks to come!
My family first got the fuchsia bug in 1963 when my late father stopped to admire the plants growing in a neighbour’s garden – they were fuchsias and he was hooked! Gradually the garden was overtaken by fuchsias – and in 1979 we moved as a family to a little village near Guildford, where to this day I grow lots of fuchsias (about 500 different types!)
I am Assistant Secretary of The British Fuchsia Society and involved in anything and everything to do with fuchsias!