Understanding plant seeds: F1 hybrids vs open-pollinated varieties

Collection of T&M seed packets

Image: T&M

Most gardeners take huge satisfaction in raising fruit, vegetables, plants and flowers from seed. In the world of horticulture, two main types are often discussed: F1 hybrid seeds and open-pollinated seeds. To help you make a fully informed choice, we asked allotmenteer Rob Smith to explain the difference. Here’s what he said…

In the meantime, if you’re looking for new ideas to try, browse our full range of seeds for inspiration.


Rob’s Allotment

This week’s been a real challenge on the allotment. Not only have we had some lovely sunny afternoons up here in Sheffield, but we’ve also had frost, rain and wind. LOTS of wind. Luckily, my greenhouse and shed are still standing. I can’t say the same for some of my fellow plot holders, in fact there is a pile of metal and plastic on one plot, it used to be a poly tunnel!


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