The spring garden serves up a banquet of soft and succulent food for slugs and snails. Which slug and snail deterrents actually work? We examine the options – both silly and sensible!

The spring garden serves up a banquet of soft and succulent food for slugs and snails. Which slug and snail deterrents actually work? We examine the options – both silly and sensible!
Early summer is the perfect time to step out in the garden with a nice cuppa, and bathe in the satisfaction that all of that hard work this spring was worth the effort. And so it was that whilst surveying my garden at the weekend, over a hot...
We all love creatures great and small, right. I would far rather employ the birds and bees than use chemical bug control and so we go to great lengths to entice them into our garden. But then there is the small matter of our six cats to consider. And so we constructed...
Slugs are officially the gardener’s No 1 enemy. Turn your back for a gardening moment, and these tough-skinned terrestrial molluscs will completely shred new shoots and tender lettuces. Given that they have neither mouth parts nor teeth, slugs eat a disproportionate...
There’s this story going around that there’s only a month or so left to go of summer before it fades to autumn. Well that’s handy as I was starting to tire of the endless heat haze and Long Island iced teas. No? Well, if reality has to get dragged into it, who else...
Theresa’s latest gardening diary entry; tomatoes and watering
Amanda updates us on her garden and more of her plans for this year
A list of garden maintenance ideas to be getting on with
Our incredible Amanda enjoys a bumper harvest
Graham Porter discusses resistance and susceptiblility in the garden