Futuristic foxgloves

Foxglove ‘Illumination Pink’

Thompson & Morgan are like magicians when it comes to plants.. we breed our own!

So, if we see a plant that is short-changing gardeners, perhaps only flowering for a fleeting moment, then we can step in and make some slight adjustments!

There’s no better example than with star of Chelsea Flower Show 2012, Foxglove ‘Illumination Pink’. This incredible plant rights all the wrongs usually associated with foxgloves.

Firstly, ‘Illumination Pink’ flowers for SIX months without a break.. usual foxgloves can only give a month worth of flowers. Secondly, it is hardy… usual digitalis are biennials, and die out after flowering. Lastly, the colours are rare and you won’t ever have seen them before; think mangos, strawberries, papaya!

After winning Best New Plant at Chelsea Flower Show 2012, our customers couldn’t get enough of this ever border perennial, we sold out out in days.

Futuristic foxgloves

Foxglove ‘Chelsea Gold’

Order your plants now for flowering THIS summer, but be quick though, we expect demand to be high. Foxglove ‘Illumination Pink’ continues to be the UK’s most in demand plant, and this year it’s available in new ‘Chelsea Gold’ colour too.

Look out for me at facebook.com/planthunter.uk or follow me on twitter @gardening_greek, where I’m posting information on new plants daily.

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