Do you have a glut of green tomatoes? Then why not have a go at this simple recipe and make a delicious Green tomato and chilli chutney that will go perfect alongside cold Christmas meats. Recipe kindly provided by our pumpkin expert and e-commerce marketing assistant Jon.
820g Green tomatoes – quartered
2 Large onions – finely chopped
9 (green) Heatwave Chillies – sliced. This can be changed according to taste, but 9 gives it a nice kick!
1 Bulb Christo Wight garlic – finely chopped
8 Table spoons garam masala
260g Cane sugar
6 Table spoons of red wine vinegar
75g Sultanas
Olive oil
1. Fry the onions, garlic and chilli together in the oil until the onions are golden brown.
2. Add the garam masala and fry gently for about a minute.
3. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well.
4. Cook until a thick consistency is achieved, stirring occasionally. 45-75 mins approx.
5. Sterilise the jars while the ingredients are reducing.
6. I personally spoon the finished mixture hot straight into the jars (carefully!) and seal straight away.
7. Eat when cool or keep for a few weeks to let the flavours mature. Excellent with the Christmas cold meats!
No children or animals were hurt in the preparation of this preserve (not until it was eaten though)!
Head over to our chillies and sweet peppers hub page to find chilli growing advice and variety recommendations, and more tasty ways to enjoy your harvest!

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Hi , just making first batch, definitely that much garamasala ? It’s so thick …