Calathea is one of the prettiest tropical houseplants from the Marantaceae family that you can have in your home or office.
If you want to create a jungle feel in your home, then you simply have to include some leafy Calathea plants. All of them require similar care, which makes your job easier.
Types of Calathea
There are a lot of different species of Calathea plant, over several dozen of them, with distinctive colors, shapes, and sizes. They are mostly grown in pots and containers. Let’s check some of the most popular ones.
Calathea orbifolia
Calathea orbifolia is one of the largest-leafed Calathea plants. Each leaf can grow up to 30cm (12″) wide!
Its leaves have a round shape and striped, metallic appearance. This species forms a dense clump, with new leaves developing from the middle part of the plant.

©Thompson & Morgan – Calathea orbifolia
Calathea orbifolia, like most other Calathea species, likes a warm environment, where the temperatures are between 18°C (65°F) and 24°C (75°F).
Calathea ornata ‘Sanderiana’
Calathea ornata ‘Sanderiana’ is one type of Calathea ornata species. The most important difference between the mother plant and ‘Sanderiana’ is in the leaves. ‘Sanderiana’ leaves are shorter and not so spear- shaped as common Calathea ornata’s leaves.
Because of the distinctive foliage striping,’ Sanderiana’ has earned a nickname ‘Pin Stripe plant’, which is shared with many other cultivars of Calathea ornata.

©Thompson & Morgan – Calathea ‘Sanderiana’
The plant has very glossy, broad, and colorful leaves, with the dark green topside, combined with rose feather-like stripes, while bottom sides are dark purple.
The stem is purple, and it can grow up to 60cm (2ft) in height when the plant reaches peak maturity.
Calathea zebrina
Calathea zebrina, otherwise known as Zebra Plant, is one of the Calatheas that are very commonly found almost everywhere, even though it originates from Brazil.
It has very distinctive green stripes on the leaves, which look like Zebra patterns, hence the name. The underside of the leaves is purple, like with some other Calathea species.
Fully grown Calathea zebrina can be up to 90cm (36″) height and width and have leaves that are over 30cm (12″) in length.

©Thompson & Morgan – Calathea zebrina
Calathea zebrina can also produce white and purple flowers during springtime, which is not so common for Calatheas.
Calathea roseopicta
Calathea roseopicta, otherwise known by the name of Rose Painted Calathea, has big glossy and circular green leaves, which are also purple on the underside.
What is distinctive about this Calathea subspecies is that every leaf has a very pretty pattern, which looks like a leaf inside the leaf. There are also different cultivars of this plant that have leaves with different patterns.
The plant usually grows up to 60cm (24″) in height and width. It likes moist soil, which is capable to provide excellent drainage.

©Thompson & Morgan – Calathea roseopicta Medaillon
Calathea rufibarba
Calathea rufibarba doesn’t look like most other Calatheas at first glance. It doesn’t have similar markings and colors, but it is still very beautiful.
It is also known under the name of Velvet Calathea, as well as Furry Feather because its leaves look like feathers and have a distinctive texture that resembles fur on the bottom side of leaves.
Another characteristic of this plant is burgundy stems that are quite long, and the plant itself can grow up to 60cm (24″) in height and width.

©Shutterstock – Calathea rufibarba
Calathea Care
Calatheas need sunlight, of course, but not direct sun. They thrive the most in the shade because they are tropical plants, and are mostly found in the jungles. Exposing them to direct sunlight might cause burns on the leaves.
They prefer distilled water. You can also use water purified through filters to water these plants. Even though Calatheas like moist soil, make sure not to overwater.
Being tropical plants, Calatheas like warm temperature, between 18°C (65°F) and 24°C (75°F). Also, make sure to put them in a humid environment.

©Thompson & Morgan – Calatheas need sunlight, but not direct sun.
Fertilizing is not essential for Calatheas, but if you insist, you can use normal fertilizer for indoor plants during the autumn, spring, and summer.
Propagation of Calathea Plants
It is possible to propagate Calatheas from divisions, simply by repotting them. New divisions need to be kept moist and in a warm place. It is also advised to cover them with plastic and put them on indirect light until they start growing again. Always use the fresh potting mixture to grow a new plant.
Pruning Calathea Plants
Calatheas do not require any special pruning. The only thing you might worry about is removing occasional leaves that have turned brown or yellow.
We hope you’ve learnt everything you need to know about growing and caring for calatheas. Discover more about exotic plants over at our hub page, including jungle gardens, tropical plant care and much more.

Sara Elizabeth Taylor has been a lover of things that grow, and that love has been a major part of her life. She’s a biologist specialising in flora and is also a passionate indoor gardener. You can find her at @indoorgardennook.
Within her house, located in the middle of the bustling city, Sara hides her lush and beautiful indoor garden, full of both decorative plants and of various fruits and vegetables. Throughout the years she has amassed a lot of experience regarding gardening and is more than eager to share all of her knowledge and exchange tips and tricks with gardening enthusiasts both young and old.
“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.”