Find the latest gardening news on the T&M blog. From pumpkins to potatoes, we’ve got it covered!

Thrive – the benefits of gardening

Thrive is the leading charity in the UK that uses gardening to bring about positive changes in the lives of people who are living with disabilities or ill health, or are isolated, disadvantaged or vulnerable.


Gardening gifts for christmas

Our Christmas gifts for gardeners range is new for 2014 to bring you some added inspiration to find that perfect Christmas gift. Christmas is the perfect time to buy your loved one something they need, would like or don’t know they need! As a gardener there is always something that can come in handy.  From some new tools, garden vouchers, a watering can or simply a new indoor plant, there is plenty for you to choose from.


One allotment, two children and a caravan

Hello. I’m Urvashi and I have an allotment in Enfield. I waited a while for it and had almost given up hope when the phone rang and the ever so lovely membership chap said I had three plots to choose from.


Photo competition winners 2014

This is our favourite time of year, when we get to judge all the stunning entries to our competitions. However, this year we decided to do things a little differently and we asked you to help us pick the winning photos.


Pumpkin on tour

Who would have thought it, yet another UK record breaking pumpkin! They just get better and better. This year we want to make sure as many people possible get the opportunity to see the 1,884 lbs beauty! So, what are we doing?


Indoor plants are the perfect Christmas gifts

It is said that as you get older the excitement over Christmas slowly goes. Is it because we know that our purses will be seeing more action than ever? Or because we know we are going to get the same generic Christmas present? I know that each year I will get perfume, pyjamas, chocolates and a diary for next year and I just don’t get excited any more. It could be that I am just getting old, obnoxious and all in all boring, but sometimes Christmas feels like a chore.


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